Friday, February 20, 2009

Time Will Tell

Dan Vinson- my friend and political mind writes the following:

Two of the biggest enemies to a free society are a) lack of information and b) apathy.

Every American should go to YouTube and view the video of Barney Frank (D Mass.) on his comments regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Republicans approached Congress YEARS AGO recommending more oversight on these two Government Sponsored Entities (GSE's) stating they were afraid that mismanagement could cause an economic tsunami of terrible proportions.

Barney Frank (and other Democrats) poopoo'd the advice saying (paraphrased) "There's nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they're fundamentally sound. And even if they do go belly up the taxpayer isn't going to bail them out."

Fast Forward a few years: They were NOT fundamentally sound, they were cooking the books, and American taxpayers HAVE bailed them out.

So Barney, strike one, strike two, strike three, YOU'RE OUT. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Yet most Americans don't know these facts. And what's sadder still, is that most that do know, don't care. There is a general feeling that 'government is going to do what they want and there's nothing we can do about it.' Wrong again, honey.

As was said by George W. Bush, there are ramifications to elections. NOT just the Presidency but Congress as well. People got elected and this is what they've done.

People need to take PERSONAL responsibility for the choices they've made, including they choices they make at the polls.

MUCH of the proposed spending that is going to take place as part of this new "stimulus" sham, er, I mean 'plan,' won't take effect for two years. Guess what? There'll be Congressional elections before then. We can vote for people who will REPEAL these parts of the 'plan.' If we don't, we are saddling our children and our children's children with the biggest welfare payment in the history of mankind.

The question is, do you have the intelligence, the guts, and the will to do it. Time will tell.

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