Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Right to life

simple slaves (a generalization*):**

You have the owner, he makes sure that all the slaves have equal treatment, except for those he favors. They all get food given to them, no matter their issue; sick, weak, strong, lazy, or ambitious. They all get equal right at advancement(which happens to be little to none), no matter their issue; sick, weak, strong, lazy, or ambitious. If one fails, a careful slave owner would do what they could to remedy the situation and get the worker into the field to work again, a loss of a worker did then the same as it does today, it reduces production. Slave owners liked to have slave work all day long for several reasons, more money is the obvious one, the next was to keep them worn out. The last is not the most obvious but will hit as logical; it kept them busy and prevented them from working together to free the mass of slaves. now every once in a while one would get away and escape to better life. The slaves around them would cheer for that one, hoping one day it would be them. Their were some slaves that were more privileged than the others, these would be ever so grateful to their owners for whatever handout they got that was above and beyond the normal handout. Slaves were not allowed to own weapons, especially guns. Any enterprise they had in whatever task they did was not looked upon kindly, by either the owner or the slave populous (save for the cotton gin). Any slave that seemed to work harder for the most part was approached by other slaves and asked to pull back, it made them look bad and raised the expectations, which if expectations were not met there were consequences from the owner.

Replace the word owner with the word Government, and slave with the word Citizen and you have what this country is becoming. In other words, Socialism. So in essence, you have a certain few, a certain elite group of people that give handouts to the working, they provide universal health care, housing, and general aid. There is a lot of talk about Lincoln, he would have abhorred what we are becoming today, his view was that all men should have an equal opportunity to become rich or poor. If they failed in doing so he would literally say, "Better luck next time." There would be no handouts, there would be no bailouts, there would be no Government stepping in. This is how America is supposed to work. Free enterprise is the opposite of socialism. America = free enterprise.

This was taken from KKNT 960 AM on the Bill Bennett show. you can listen to KKNT live at

Other good talk show hosts are: a good topic he has is :

This is some of where I get my information.

I base my opinions off of this:

These are not extreme websites. these are a part of the voice of conservatism, these are a part of who are trying to preserve our rights, not have them limited and abused. these are some of those that are trying to preserve our right to believe in God and create/dictate our own lives, while not having to pick up the slack of others.

* I know that conditions for some slaves were far worse then depicted while others were not, this is a generalization

**Remember, there have been endless amounts of slavery over the history of man, this by no means depicts any one time in the lat 7000 years of history.

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