Monday, April 28, 2008


So I just got done with sitting down with a family and helping them with their finances. I feel good about it, that is why I continue to do it. It felt good to help them save money and set some aside in what we know to be a down market and actually have some growth off of it. Doing this work helps me learn more about myself than about others. I learn a lot about others, believe me, but because of those that I work around, they help me look into myself at the same time, helping me refine myself. Sometimes I feel like the iron in the forge, constantly getting hit and pummeled while the heat is on, but then you get to sit down and use those things that you learn and it is like the moment the iron gets put into the water to cool. I bet that iron feels refreshed and ready to go at it all again after a cool down like that. I realize that I do not think like others, that my mind does not work along the same lines as those around me and that some things that others catch on to fast take me some time to get a grasp of. I realized that it is because I like to imagine all the possibilities of something, and that takes me down a million roads in my mind within a few moments. Then I get excited and then I over inform others, and then no one knows what it is I am talking about because they were going down one road steadily that I already took in my mind along with all the others. I think I need to focus on what the end goal is and not let myself get off that track. 

So there you have it, a glimpse inside the madman's mind. I am my minds architect, and sometimes I wonder at how I did it. It makes me smile and confused at the same time.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wow! Way too much thinking, boy:)