Friday, January 9, 2009

Thougths on a different type of war

So I have been reading a lot about a current film maker and some of his more recent creations. His new documentaries reminded me of the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Tzu states "He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them." How this comes into play with the documentaries done by John Ziegler is that I see people who have been captured by Obama's 'army', or charm. Those people along with the media lapdog that he had with him at all times. These are they who "[made] light of [him]" by not delving into the truth of the man they chose to lead our country. I will not say we chose him, I had no part in it. I believe also that Obama roused many of his legion with a reward of change, one that would revolutionize our country. Sun Tzu stated " order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards." Obama did well with this. He ignored Tzus wisdom in "Rouse [your enemy], and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots." We are starting to see some of the real Obama. For instance, if I came home and told my wife we were going to get out of debt by spending our way out and that I had already started, she would throw me out. The thought is nuts! Americans have accepted it from Obama. He wants to do what was done in WW2. Well... we had nuclear energy that came from WW2, jet propulsion, a state of the conductor that lead to transistors and computers. We also had the auto industry, and we had microwave technology that we stole from the Germans during the war. We had many more things to offer the world that were new technologies than we do now. I say we should uncover our Groom Lake tests and exploit them. All the zero energy propulsion ideas, the ram jets, the hover crafts, that is if we have them. We need to pull out our aces to cover our a...s. That would take a war to do though, because that is how the government has done it in the past. Wait a minute... We have a war! Is it a big enough war to introduce drastic new technologies? Not yet. Instead we are giving money to industries that are plagued by unions and corruption. Building museums that no one will visit, and all together just wasting it on politics and politicians.

The fruit ripens.

Tzu also stated, "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."


Erin said...

Sweetness, you have a blog too. Its on my list now. You write some pretty good posts that get the wheels in my head turning.

Joe said...

Thanks good to hear from you