This past few months I have been about as contained as I would ever like to be. My little family has lived with my brother in two of his rooms, then off to my in laws to stay in a room that could be more accurately described as a walk in closet. My Older boy slept in the hallway right outside our door in a playpen that he was way to small to sleep in. My youngest slept on a foam pad at the bottom of the futon that my wife and I slept on. I am by far eternally grateful for these experiences and for the family that lovingly allowed us (especially me and my bluntness) to stay with them. We now live in a home that my oldest does not have to be watched in at every moment, that both of my boys can sleep in beds that are more fitting in more ways than one. A place that we do not have to account to as many people that we did before for every little thing that we do. We are more free. I appreciate all of the wonderful people that helped us along the way. Our ward that we moved out of and have now moved back into, our families, and those people that we are blessed enough to be considered friends to.
The funny thing is that I still feel like I have not found my place. I went to school to become a recording engineer, studied business in the RIAA, and have interests in just about everything that one can think of. I love studying how things work, the physics of our universe, the nature and tendencies of the human mind, and even now and again computers. My heart is found in music, but then I feel that I am betraying all the other things that I love to read about. I have been trying to figure out what to go back to school for. I look at the bottom line and know that if I do, this time I need to go into something that I know I would have a job afterwards in. I have tangled with the thought of a Speech Therapist, I am also fascinated with child development and addiction psychology. Then there is that ever so cunning thought of being an engineer. And at last, the one thing that gets me passionate besides my family and church is Politics. I want to be useful, now and in the future. I do not know where I belong.
I still feel the same as I have stated in the past about our country. I still feel it is going down and that there are changes. I also know that these changes need to take place before Christ returns to correct all of our blunders. I have been told that I follow Beck, or Hanity, or some of the other voices of Radio Conservatism. Honestly, I do not listen to any of them, I have on occasion, but that has been once or twice. There were times before I ever listened to them that I was excited to hear about others that felt similar to me. After listening to them I found they were similar but there were things they would say or do that I did not like. I am myself on those fronts. I stick to what I have read in the scriptures while keeping an ear firmly to the ground, listening for signs that we have already been given. If that means I have to listen to a speech by one of the Radioites, then I will and immediately do as much homework as I can on it afterwards. I do get excited on things that are said, as those that know me have seen, but then if it can be proven differently with facts that show otherwise, I am quick to acknowledge my folly. there are many things not published that I lean on along with the scriptures, these things I have promised to keep sacred and secure. These things are the things that scare me most, and give me the most hope in our Savior (see acts 2:17-19, 21). They say that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall his word be established, well, it has been, form the mouths of babes to men with families, and grown men, old in their age. Like I said, I am not a Radioite, even if there are a few things I admire that they have done. That is the one place that I stand firm and know where I belong. I am a Christian. I listen to modern day prophets, called of God. I follow Christ, I have a knowledge that He lives, that He loves me, that He leads His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My hope is that I may be perceived more so as such.